quarta-feira, 28 de setembro de 2011


Some details ....
This house belongs to a person that is in a peace mission.
To make sure that the home remains with human occupancy decided to rent the home for the time of duration of mission...
The "name" of the house is "Casa da Saudade" that means that i miss the owner( a very portuguese word)
The House has two rooms one with  a double bed , very spacious and with a design book shelf  that gave the name of  "the reading room".
The other  Room is the "Oriental room" because of some art pices that come from Vietnam
All room have an individual ndependente bathroom so you can have privacy.
The kitchen is very spacious and has a good luminosity.

On this blog I will try to keep up whats going on on every week so you can know before hand what to do in Oporto during your stay.Time to Time if available we will ofer some tikets to a concert in "Casa da Música"

So feel free to ask about the house......

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